Zbyněk Baladrán, Diderot's Dream, 2014, two full HD videos on black transparent screen, ed. of 3 + 1 A.P., 1/2 11:05 min, 2/2 2:24 min. View of the exhibition 'Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015', The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA, 2016.
Zbyněk Baladrán, Minus 10 Anarcho-Communist minutes, 2013, digital print on 17 A5 sheets (book pages), nylon, clips and plumb, unique, 10 x 380 cm.
Zbyněk Baladrán, The Elusive Object of Desire, 2011, photographs, metal rod and nylon line, ed. of 3 + 1 A.P., 30 x 30 x 100 cm.
Zbyněk Baladrán, detail of From the New Theological Jokes, 2017, prints on PVC, ed. of 3 + 1 A.P., 5 elements: 100 x 120 cm overall.
Zbyněk Baladrán, detail of Automated Subject - Entities that want to become other entities, 2016, digital print on paper, clips and nylon, ed. of 1 + 1 A.P., 800 x 500 cm.