May 26 – July 20, 2024
Paris - Romainville

Clemens von Wedemeyer explores the links between memory, history and human relationships through cinematic and digital works.

On view at the Galerie Jocelyn Wolff for Paris Gallery Weekend will be Wedemeyer’s new work ‘There are several scenarios we could end up with’, in which the artist uses artificial intelligence in his work for the first time to generate a poem which is then transcribed in a medieval aesthetic, ultimately abolishing the boundaries between the past and the present, the real and the virtual.

Two recent films of his will also be on show: ‘Social Geometry’, which explores the schematic representation of society and human interaction through geometric shapes; and ‘Surface Composition’ made in California, which delves into other form of networks, exposing the impersonality of technological giants and commercial infrastructures.

Clemens von Wedemeyer, Social Geometry, 2024, video installation, animated, b&w, sound, 19  min, with Alexander Repp and Samuel RIcher, voice: Anne Clarck

Clemens von wedemeyer, Surface Composition, 2024, video, color, sound, 22 min, music:Zsolt Sores